An Introduction!!!


  Aloha Everybody!!! It's me Shakanniii!!!

    Join me in my journey as an Entrepreneur Student. I'll share with you my everyday experiences as a student, aspiring to be an entrepreneur someday. But before we start on our journey, let me share my brief knowledge of why I choose entrepreneurship as my future career. 
    It literally started in my childhood days, we had a small business and during those times I usually saw that many people were coming back and forth to buy products and with that, we generated money. I love calculating all of our receipts, especially the sales, I thought at first that I could be fit to be an accountant so I aspired to be one. I also observed that many people engage in doing business, and even regular employees are not an exception.  But then as I grew, I realized that I didn't want to calculate someone else money, I wanted to calculate mine. That is why I shifted my mind from being an accountant to being an entrepreneur. I know it is risky to start your own business but I believe in saying "If there's no risk, then no gain". Also, it irks me to think that someday I will have my own empire that I built from scratch, may it not be as big as the top-ranking organizations out there, but it still successful, and have the chance to compete as one of them someday. 
    This is the reason why I aspire to become an entrepreneur, it is actually longer but I don't want to indulge and bore you. At least you have short information about why I took this path and the reason for me being ambitious. I will cut it here, I hope to see you on my next blog!!!


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